Monday, 16 January 2012

The key to finding more winners: Specialisation

When it comes to analyzing a horse race a betting newcomer cannot be faulted for feeling a bit overwhelmed. Where on earth do you start?
I've found a helpful article by Michael Wilding which should serve to point you in the right direction towards not only finding more winners, but also improving your win strike rate. It is aimed at the beginner, but it never hurts for those of us who might consider ourselves experienced bettors to take a refresher course every now and then. Let me share this link with you.
In the article Michael talks about specialisation, and gives an example of sprint races at the all-weather tracks. "Now there's a thing", I thought to myself. Why?
Well, as it happens, one of the six betting strategies that features at my SkyBlueKangaroo horse racing and betting blog is speed ratings, and specifically the use of speed ratings at all-weather tracks
Here's the link to the full article at the Racing Advisor blog.

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