Monday, 30 January 2012

How to calculate horse racing speed ratings

One of the six smart betting systems that really work that you'll find discussed at SkyBlueKangaroo is the use of speed ratings. I've been using speed figures to positive effect ever since I came across a book on speed ratings by Andrew Beyer in the late 90s.
Picking Winners: A Horseplayer's Guide
I've just posted an article at the blog which shows you the basic process for calculating your own speed ratings
As with many new processes, and if you are anything like me, calculating your first set of horse speed ratings will take you quite some time. I was forever re-reading Andrew Beyer’s instructions, and referring back and forth with my own calculations. But I soon got the hang of it, and as you might expect, with some practice you will also see for yourself the task becomes a lot easier and very much quicker.
....then you will have a tool at your disposal that enables you to determine the fastest horse in the race.
Here's the full link to the article again:

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