Sunday, 1 January 2012

Best of SkyBlueKangaroo 2011

We’re big on tradition here at SkyBlueKangaroo. And I’m not just talking about Dad’s tired old joke where he trudges back up the stairs to the kids’ bedrooms on Christmas morning, to announce (again) that unfortunately Santa hasn’t been yet, and there’s no presents under the tree.
Horse racing systems that work
They haven’t bought that particular chestnut for three years!
Every year right before Christmas, I let you know that I’m taking the rest of the year off. Every year I tell you how much I’m looking forward to Kempton on Boxing Day.
And every year, without fail, I manage to slip in a “Best of SkyBlueKangaroo” post just before New Year, just in case you missed something juicy over the last 12 months.
Blimey! If only horse racing was as predictable as me, eh?
So here’s a selection of the best SkyBlueKangaroo posts from 2011 based upon your enthusiasm and my own bias for content that I think’s going to help you get what you want in 2012.
Please feel free to comment on, ‘Like’ or ‘Tweet’ or generally share the goodness on one, some or indeed all of these articles.


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