Monday, 16 July 2012

How To Get The Most From Your Strike Rate In Horse Racing

Which is better? A strike rate of 60%, or a strike rate of 30%?
Think about it ... before you answer.
Of course, "It depends..."
Lee Greenhill who writes at HorseSpy has penned an article which delves deeper into the 'strike rate' statistic to see how we can make the most use of it.
It's a controversial article, and Lee starts off by saying he actually despises the term 'strike rate' when used in betting.
Horse Racing Strike Rate for an edge
Strike rates can be used to measure your success in betting, but they are also often manipulated by tipsters to promote their services.
I would hazard a guess that not many gamblers keep stats this detailed. Professionals will certainly keep stats like this because it shows which races are profitable to them – and these are the races to really take advantage of.
Keeping records should form an important part of your daily betting regime, as outlined in the series of nine betting lessons featured at SkyBlueKangaroo.

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