Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Betting Theory: Calculated Bets

Have you ever dreamed of owning a piece of software that could accurately predict the outcome of any horse race? Do you think it possible someone could program your computer to scan the day's race cards and advise you which bets to place? (I had that very same dream back in 1995 and this is the embarrassing story about it.)
Over at Slipperyttoad you might want to watch the video they've posted. The video is by Steven Skiena the author of “Calculated Bets” (Computers, Gambling, and Mathematical Modeling to Win) in which he outlines his approach to create a mathematical model that was used to earn substantial profits betting on the game of Jai Alai.
The Toad says he's found a number of useful techniques buried deep in the book that are applicable to mathematical modelling and betting on horse racing.

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