Monday, 30 April 2012

FINAL REVIEW: Ace Betting Club

Tommy at Betting System Truths has finished his 56 day review of the Ace Betting Club.
AceBettingClub 300x141 Ace Betting Club Final Review
It's a tennis tipping service from Ian Hudson, who gives tips from tournaments around the world in the form of win single bets.
The tips were simply not good enough. The staking plan consisted of betting between 1 and 10 pts on each selection, and this could have been another factor why it fell down. I don’t remember any selections having a 10pt stake, I think the highest was 8 pts on just 1 selection in the 56 days. A possible area to look into for future ‘try outs’ perhaps.
Go to Betting System Truths to read the full review:

Friday, 27 April 2012


Sergeant Steve over at Betting System Truths has posted his review of Place Bet Pro.
PlaceBetPro Place Bet Pro Final Review
Steve has been trialling this system for the best part of three months, and he has given it the thumbs up.
Simply, it is easy to use and it definitely comes more naturally as time goes on. Looking back over my review I reckon I didn’t come completely to grips with it until about 20 days or so in
Here is the link to the full review:

Thursday, 26 April 2012

10 Horses To Follow This Flat Season

It's May next week, and the Aintree Festival is long since finished, so here's 10 horses to follow this Flat Season 2012 courtesy of Betting Expert.
Glyun Schofield rides Hay List to win race 6 Lexus Newmarket Handicap
Godolphin, Stoute, Hannon, and Ballydoyle are all represented.

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Sun, Sand, and Next Generation of Bookies

Monica McCluskey is the winner of the under-19 category of the Martin Wills awards for young racing writers. Here is her winning entry.
Sanlucar De Barrameda
I'm always looking for guest writers to publish horse racing and betting articles. If you've got an article you think would be of interest to readers, please get in touch.

Monday, 23 April 2012

Finding the holes in your betting

Ending up in profit comes down as much to limiting your losses, as it does maximising your winnings.
Michael Wilding over at Race Advisor discusses how to examine the weak chinks in your betting amour in this great article.
Camelot - Doncaster 22.10.2011
The first step is to look at your betting records, and separate all your bets into those that won, and those that lost.
The first thing we need in our mission to find the holes is a record of all our bets. If you haven’t got them then get in touch with your bookmaker and ask for them or if you bet online you should be able to login to your account and download your betting history.
Here's the link again:

Friday, 20 April 2012

The Pursuit of Value

Robert Carmoody looks closely at the topic of value betting in a guest post over at Racing Advisor.
Here's the link to the full article:
One point I find interesting, which could empower you to quickly establish value in a race-card, is Robert's suggestion that if you can discredit the favourite, then in theory value must lie in the remainder of the field.

Thursday, 19 April 2012

The #1 Reason My Betting Bank Started To Show A Profit

Have you ever had one of those moments in your life when everything changed?
When it comes to my betting career, I know I certainly have! I've posted an article at the blog which talks about an ultimatum I got from my wife Sarah, which helped me turn my expensive hobby into a second income.
Treat your betting like a business
It took just nine words to give me a kick up the backside.
I knew that if I were to succeed in seeing my betting accounts move from deep in the red, to showing a profit in the next twelve months, then that attitude would have to change. I needed to start looking at my betting as a business NOW – even though right now it was just an expensive hobby.
Here's the link: